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Czech poet, literary theorist, translator and university educator

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Czech poet, publicist, translator and writer

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český literární historik, kritik, básník a překladatel

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Czech poet, playwright, film reviewer, literature reviewer, scriptwriter and writer (1889-1954)

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polski pisarz, publicysta, wydawca, historyk, encyklopedysta, działacz społeczny i polityczny oraz malarz, najpłodniejszy autor w historii literatury(...)

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Czech art historian, translator, writer and university educator

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argentyński pisarz, poeta i eseista

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francuski pisarz i polityk (1802–1885)

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Czech poet, ethnographer, linguist, literature historian, publicist, educator, publicist, translator, writer and science writer (1864—1952)

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hiszpański poeta i dramaturg okresu baroku (1600-1681)

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Czech poet and translator (1855-1925)

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polski lekarz, poeta, działacz społeczny

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