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Czech member of Czech council, poet, playwright, publicist and high school educator (1836-1893)

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Czech translator, bookwriter and university educator

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Czech translator and writer (1874-1940)

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Bohemian-Israeli author, composer, and journalist

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Czech theater manager, playwright and director

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Narozen 1966 v Praze. Spisovatel, básník a publicista, absolvent SŠ sociálněprávní, řada povolání, editor hudebních publikací a knižního(...)

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Czech poet, literary theorist and translator

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Narozen 28.9.1889 ve Vysokém Mýtě, zemřel 21.1.1976 v Praze. PhMr., básník a prozaik.

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tschechischer Ingenieur, Diplomat, Autor und Übersetzer

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writer from Czechoslovakia (1894-1958)

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Czech politician, publicist, politic writer, bookwriter and historic literature writer (1923-2002)

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Czech literature reviewer, educator, translator and writer

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Narozen 18.7.1875 v Praze, zemřel 3.1.1957 tamtéž. Učitel, autor próz, uměleckonaučné literatury, veršů a dramat pro mládež, publicista v(...)

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