Narozen 5. 10. 1897 v Praze, zemřel 7. 5. 1984 v Brně. Redaktor, básník, prozaik, romanopisec, textař, autor komediálních aktovek, fejetonista,(...)
Więcej o...German Bohemian writer (see GND ID for several pseudonyms)
Więcej o...Czech poet, playwright, publicist, translator and writer (1867-1922)
Więcej o...Czech theater reviewer, playwright, translator and writer
Więcej o...Czech writer, journalist and poet (1883-1951)
Więcej o...Czech poet, playwright, literature reviewer and translator (1880-1917)
Więcej o...Czech playwright, actor, publicist, translator and writer
Więcej o...Narozen 5. 10. 1897 v Praze, zemřel 7. 5. 1984 v Brně. Redaktor, básník, prozaik, romanopisec, textař, autor komediálních aktovek, fejetonista,(...)
Więcej o...Czech poet, playwright and bookwriter (1860-1943)
Więcej o...Czech member of Czech council, librettist, local politician and educator
Więcej o...