Przejdź do treści

czeski literaturoznawca, językoznawca i pisarz

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Czech poet, playwright, translator, scriptwriter and writer

Więcej o...

Czechoslovak playwright, general, doctor and writer

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Czech theater reviewer, literature reviewer, publicist, translator, writer and art reviewer (1871-1911)

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Czech writer and radio publicist

Więcej o...
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Czech journalist and translator (1854-1905)

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Czech poet, publicist and translator

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Czech theatre director and publicist

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Jewish Czech poet, translator and writer (1894-1943)

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Czech publicist, translator and writer

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Czech linguist and high school educator (1858-1911)

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czeski pisarz i dyrektor wydawnictwa (1872-1933)

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praski adwokat i tłumacz (1881-1939)

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Narozen 16. 9. 1848 v Praze, zemřel 23. 10. 1904 v Praze. Dramatik, autor dramatizací, humoristický spisovatel, překladatel divadelních her z(...)

Więcej o...

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