Czech animator, illustrator, painter, director, scriptwriter, scenographer, sculptor and university educator (1912-1969)
Więcej o...Czech graphic, illustrator, painter, professor, scenographer, university educator and graphic educator (1896-1986)
Więcej o...Narozen 30. 10. 1951 v Praze. Malíř, kreslíř, ilustrátor knih, hudebních nosičů, grafický designér, kurátor, publicista a pedagog na VŠUP.
Więcej o...Czech illustrator, painter, scenographer, typographer and university educator (1900-1974)
Więcej o...Narozen 9. 1. 1944 v Hostouni u Kladna, zemřel 22. 2. 2015 v Praze. Publicista, humorista a redaktor, výtvarník - karikaturista, ilustrátor, autor(...)
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