Narozen 28. 12. 1881 v Praze, zemřel 9. 11. 1952 tamtéž. Herec, divadelní podnikatel, producent, režisér, spisovatel a shakespearovský(...)
Więcej o...Czech theater manager, playwright and director
Więcej o...Czech playwright, film director, actor, director, scriptwriter and writer
Więcej o...Czech playwright, actor, publicist, director and writer (1876-1972)
Więcej o...Czech dubbing actor, playwright, actor, actor and scriptwriter
Więcej o...Narozen 28. 12. 1881 v Praze, zemřel 9. 11. 1952 tamtéž. Herec, divadelní podnikatel, producent, režisér, spisovatel a shakespearovský(...)
Więcej o...Czech playwright, actor, translator, director, bookwriter and writer (1870-1926)
Więcej o...