Przejdź do treści

Czech theatre and literature reviewer, publicist, translator, writer and educator

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czeski literaturoznawca, językoznawca i pisarz

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Czech theater reviewer, theater manager, actor, publicist, translator, satirist, writer and singer

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Czech poet, literary theorist, politic writer and translator

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czeski pisarz, prozaik i dramaturg oraz wolnomularz, jeden z pionierów fantastyki naukowej, który po raz pierwszy użył i spopularyzował słowo "robot"

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Czech literature historian, publicist, translator and university educator

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czeski dramaturg, tłumacz, poeta i krytyk

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Czech poet, music reviewer, librarian and translator

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Czech theatre and literary theorist and writer

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Czech poet and translator (1900-1961)

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Czech literature reviewer and translator

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