Przejdź do treści

Czech poet, playwright, publicist and translator (1853-1912)

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Czech literature historian, publicist, translator and university educator

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czeski dramaturg, tłumacz, poeta i krytyk

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tschechischer Literaturtheoretiker und Hochschullehrer

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polski poeta, prozaik, eseista, tłumacz, krytyk literacki, noblista

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Czech theatre and literary theorist and writer

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polski poeta romantyczny, autor „Pana Tadeusza”, działacz polityczny i religijny

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Czech komeniologist, literature historian, literature reviewer, translator and writer

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Czech politician, academic, essayist, lexicographer, linguist, professor, publicist, university educator and science writer

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Tsjechisch universitair docent (1932-)

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Czechoslovak member of Czechoslovak national parliament, minister without portfolio, minister of labour and social affairs of the CR, minister of(...)

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Czechoslovak arabist, traveller, geographer, orientalist, writer and Roman Catholic priest (1868-1944)

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Czech poet and literature reviewer

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prezydent Czechosłowacji (1918–1935)

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Czech essayist, philosopher, literature historian, literary critic, professor and translator

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polski poeta, eseista, prozaik, tłumacz

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Czech specialist in literature and university teacher

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Czech educator, literature historian and translator

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