Przejdź do treści

Czech member of Czech council, librettist, local politician and educator

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pisarz czeski pochodzenia niemieckiego

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Czech botanist, professor and translator (1834-1902)

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Czech indologist, linguist, translator, university educator and science writer (1855-1931)

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Czech komeniologist, educator and translator

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Czech linguist and high school educator (1858-1911)

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Narozen 28.2.1859 v Praze, zemřel 20.2.1936 ve Starém Plzenci. Pedagog, kronikář, beletrista, literatura pro mládež, příručky o vycpávání(...)

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Israeli philosopher born in Austria-Hungary (1883-1975)

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Czech literature reviewer, educator, translator and writer

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Czech philosopher, translator and university educator (1894-1973)

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Czech academic, physicist, arctic explorer, professor, publicist, translator, writer, university educator and science writer

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Czech music educator, pianist, musicologist and translator

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Czech professor, translator, theologist, university educator, science writer and roman catholic priest

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Narozena 5.5.1921 v Praze, zemřela 22.11.2012 v Kolíně. Dcera spisovatele Zdeňka Róna, pedagožka, překladatelka z ruštiny.

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