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Czech member of Czech council, publicist and educator (1852-1912)

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Czech physicist, mathematician and educator

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Czech educator (1825–1898)

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Czech historian, professor, university educator and science writer

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Czech banker and mathematician (1842-1910)

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Czech educator, high school educator and science writer (1820-1906)

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Narozen 1856, zemřel 17. 1. 1919 v Praze. Francouzský pedagog francouzštiny na Karlově univerzitě, jazykovědné práce, autor románu.

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Czech member of Czech council, economist and lawyer (1858-1925)

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czeski geolog, paleontolog i przyrodnik

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Czech archeologist and art historian

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Czech member of Czech council, internist and doctor (1810-1887)

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słowacki uczony, slawista, filolog, językoznawca

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Czech historian, musicologist, and professor of musical aesthetics (1847-1910)

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Czech literature historian, literature reviewer and university educator

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Narozen 2.12.1881 v Oseku u Milevska, zemřel 17.2.1935 v Praze. Pedagog, státní úředník. Beletrista, autor divadelních her, překladatel z ruštiny.

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