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Digital authentic learning: introdurre alla tone analysis per favorire un pensiero critico digitale

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    Statement of Responsibility:
    Iannella, Alessandro
    Iannella, Alessandro

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    Artykuł z czasopisma
    Forma / Gatunek:
    text (article)
    Thamyris ISSN 2254-1799 Nº. 9, 2018, pags. 319-336
    Hasła przedmiotowe:

    In an educational setting which rarely gives digital technologies the proper space and attention to allow for deep, structured and eff ective treatment of the subject, it is diffi cult to imagine that students are being taught valuable skills. In the absence of a discipline capable of refl ecting the complexity of a reality that is constantly changing, it is more feasible to elicit students' aptitudes, sparking curiosity and allowing them to discover new job sectors and fi elds of study. After a brief introduction to the digital authentic learning, i. e. the teaching method needed to put this proposal into eff ect, this article shows how the application of tone analysis could improve critical reading, thus bringing students nearer to the new boundaries of artifi cial intelligence (AI).

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