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Los poemas en arte mayor castellano de Les trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria (74*LV): problemas ecdóticos, interferencias lingüísticas y edición crítica

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    Statement of Responsibility:
    Hamlin, Cinthia María
    Hamlin, Cinthia María

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    Osoby współtworzące:
    Grasso, Ludmila

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    Artykuł z czasopisma
    Spanish; Castilian
    Forma / Gatunek:
    text (article)
    Revista de Cancioneros Impresos y Manuscritos ISSN 2254-7444 Nº. 11, 2022, pags. 148-211
    Hasła przedmiotowe:

    In this paper we study the two Castilian arte mayor poems that are transmitted in Les trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria: Francí de Castellví's «Del gran Redemptor» ([ID 4650] and Pere de Civillar's «Al tempo que Febo» ([ID4652]. In the first part of the paper, we describe the prosody of these poems (stanza and meter), which will offer a proper framework for text editing. In the second part, we consider linguistic interference. Identifying Catalan and Aragonese influences will allow us not only to approach a critical edition in a way that respects the text's diasystem, but also to reflect on the linguistic, compositional and mechanical processes that take part during the poetic composition and the printing process. Finally, we hereby publish a new critical edition of both poems.

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