L' idioma gentile di Edmondo De Amicis nella didattica dell'italiano (1868-1940)
- Statement of Responsibility:
Dota, Michela
- Autor:
- Format:
Artykuł z czasopisma
- Język:
- Forma / Gatunek:
text (article)
- Opublikowane:
- W:
Impossibilia ISSN 2174-2464 Nº. 17, 2019, pags. 83-112
- Hasła przedmiotowe:
- Adnotacja:
On the basis of studies on Italian teaching after Italian Unification, this paper analyzes the dissemination of Edmondo De Amicis' literary works in scholastic handbooks published between 1868 and 1940. This study aims also to focus on the pedagogical and linguistic finalities of these Deamicisian extracts. Grammars, writing handbooks, anthologies and reading books show that De Amicis' Cuore is not his only literary work incorporated in the scholastic canon, which actually includes many other works, whose extracts are used for different purposes. Furthermore, this overview shows that the relationships between linguistic standard and author's language, even though exemplary, have not always exploited the linguistic peculiarities of the literary text. In extreme cases, the original text is modified to adapt it to the new linguistic and pedagogical standard.