Fama y verdad en la épica quinientista española: El virgilianismo político y la tradición castellana del siglo XV

- Statement of Responsibility:
Vilà, Lara
- Autor:
- Format:
Artykuł z czasopisma
- Język:
Spanish; Castilian
- Forma / Gatunek:
text (article)
- Opublikowane:
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2010
- W:
Studia Aurea: Revista de Literatura Española y Teoría Literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro ISSN 1988-1088 Nº. 4, 201035 pags.
- Hasła przedmiotowe:
- Adnotacja:
Fame and truth in Spanish XVth century epic. !e political vergilianism and the castilian tradition of the XVth century %e starting premise of this essay is &that the Spanish &Golden Age epic must be read from a historical perspective that takes into account the Hispanic literary tradition of the !"th century. In particular, it argues that epic should be approached from a theoretical perspective that explores its relationship with history in order to illuminate the di'erences between Italian and Spanish epic theory and practice in the !"#th century. %e relationship between the discourses of epic and history can be explained through the imitation of the Vergilian model, speci