La función del narrador en el romance de "El enamorado y la muerte"

- Statement of Responsibility:
Pérez Parejo, Ramón
- Autor:
- Osoby współtworzące:
- Format:
Artykuł z czasopisma
- Język:
Spanish; Castilian
- Forma / Gatunek:
text (article)
- Opublikowane:
Universidad de Extremadura: Servicio de Publicaciones 2012
- W:
Anuario de estudios filológicos ISSN 0210-8178 Vol. 35, 2012, pags. 167-179
- Hasła przedmiotowe:
- Adnotacja:
The role of the narrator in the ballad of «El enamorado y la muerte», in the first version of the ballad «El enamorado y la muerte», written by Juan de Encina (14th c.), shows the form, content and style typical of the code of stereotyped «courtly love» that takes place in the literary discourse of the Spanish cancionero. This first version presents a narrator in first-person that reflectis on his troubles, and tells what happens to him and the other characters in the action. Popular versions that came later introduced conversations and a narrator in third person. In this study we analyze the functions of these changes. The methodology of this study is to compare the different versions through a stylistic analysis, and the analysis of the role of the narrator. The introduction of the narrator brings more excitement, dynamism, morbidity and mystery to the poem providing the receptor, as if it were a camera, with the privileged shots of the story.