Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas: "La Perinola" (a través del manuscrito leonés)

- Statement of Responsibility:
Fuentes Fernández, F. Javier
- Autor:
- Osoby współtworzące:
- Format:
Artykuł z czasopisma
- Język:
Spanish; Castilian
- Forma / Gatunek:
text (article)
- Opublikowane:
Universidad de León: Servicio de Publicaciones 1991
- W:
Estudios humanísticos. Filología ISSN 0213-1382 Nº 13, 1991, pags. 101-124
- Hasła przedmiotowe:
- Adnotacja:
The Public Library of León keeps a short incomplete manuscript of Quevedo's work Perinola. In 18th century hand, it is one of the almost 50 surviving copies of the work, and faithfully represents the form of transmission of Quevedo's work. Don Francisco de Quevedo wrote Perinola in 1632 against Pérez de Montalbán's Para todos Ad is a mordant satire of this author and his work, devastatingly critizising it from title to end. With it Quevedo embarks once more in the personal as well as literary disputes of our Golden Century, this time to oppose the miscellany genre, which had been so widely spread since Mexía's Silva de varia lección.