The world of Witold Gombrowicz, 1904-1969. Catalog of a centenary exhibition at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Inconvenient fictions literature and the limets of theory
On reading Ruskin prefaces to La Bible d'Amiens and Sésame et les Lys, with selections from the notes to the translated text
Proust, Marcel
Opublikowane: New Haven ; London Yale University Press cop. 1987
Opublikowane: New Haven ; London Yale University Press cop. 1987
Marx and modern fiction
Romantic fantasy and science fiction
Forms of life character and moral imagination in the novel
Milton, poet of exile
Metaphoric worlds conceptions of a romantic nature
The Forms of autobiography episodes in the history of a literary genre
American poetry, the rhetoric of its forms
The ingenious gentleman and poet Federico García Lorca ascends to hell
Rojas, Carlos
Opublikowane: New Haven ; London Yale University Press cop. 2013
Opublikowane: New Haven ; London Yale University Press cop. 2013