Gender roles and power relations between Indian male and female characters in The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy : a postcolonial feminist approach

The fiction of Arundhati Roy and Githa Hariharan another world is possible : memoria para optar al grado de Doctora

Festival spisovatelů Praha = Prague Writers' Festival : Věnováno Williamu S. Burroughsovi - "Nepodáváme zprávy. Píšeme je." = Dedicated to Willam S. Burroughs -"We don't report the news. We(...)
Opublikowane: hovno.

Festival spisovatelů Praha = Prague Writers' Festival : Věnováno Jeanu Genetovi - "Pozor na jednoduché myšlenky" = Dedicated to Jean Genets -"Beware of pure concepts".
Opublikowane: Praha : Nadační fond FSP, 2002.