Teresa Bałuk-Ulewicz Teresa Bałuk-Ulewiczowa
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Teresa Bałuk-Ulewicz was the subject of publications in which the main author was:
Brajerska-Mazur, Agata 1
Teresa Bałuk-Ulewicz
They were the subject of publications in which the main author was Teresa Bałuk-Ulewicz
Goślicki, Wawrzyniec
Kochanowski, Jan
Shakespeare, William
Kunicki, Wacław
Goślicki, Wawrzyniec (ok. 1530-1607). 1
Goślicki, Wawrzyniec (ok. 1530-1607) 1
Lück, Kurt (1900-1942) 1
Maricjusz, Szymon (1516-1574) 1
Modrzewski, Andrzej Frycz (ok. 1503-1572) 1