Hlinsko Hlinsko v Čechách

town in the Czech Republic
- Kraj:
- Czechy
- Coordinates (WGS-84):
- 49,762172981864,15,907605681006
- Nazwy historyczne:
- obecniecs Hlinskodawno dawno temu
Most popular in bibliographic records
Czech member of Czech council, ethnographer, mayor, politic writer, writer and science writer (1840–1918)
Born here Died hereCzech jurist, politician, writer, ethnographist and art historian (1868-1944)
Born hereNarozena 19. 5. 1929 v Hlinsku, zemřela 17. 3. 2017 v Praze. Bohemistka, literární vědkyně.
Born hereAll persons 35