Sobotka Kdanice, Lavice, Čálovice, Staňkova Lhota, Trní, Calovice, Trni, Stéblovice, Spyšova, Zajakury
town in Czechia
- Kraj:
- Czechy
- Coordinates (WGS-84):
- 50,467471687659,15,176282856808
Autor korporatywny
Most popular in bibliographic records
Czech playwright, actor, publicist, translator and writer (1838–1901)
Born hereCzechoslovak anarchist, poet, playwright and bookwriter (1877–1952)
Born hereCzech member of Czech council, poet, playwright, publicist and high school educator (1836-1893)
Born hereNarozen 1934 v Sobotce. Ing., obor monokrystaly, též prozaik a básník.
Born hereNarozen 11. 2. 1931 v Sobotce, zemřel 16. 12. 1997. Literární teoretik a kritik, redaktor a editor antologií a děl z(...)
Born herefilmový historik a kritik, scenárista, kameraman, dramaturg, publicista a pedagog
Born hereNarozen 6.9.1872 v Sobotce, zemřel 1.1.1938 v Praze. Pedagog, práce a stati v oboru, fejetonista, prozaik pro mládež,(...)
Born hereAll persons 47