Piotr Oczko
polski filolog i tłumacz
Summary for all the roles in which the viewed person appears in the bibliography.
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Piotr Oczko
They were the subject of publications in which the main author was Piotr Oczko
Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Banach, Andrzej
Bordewijk, Ferdinand
Reicher-Thonowa, Gizela (1904-1941) 2
Abraham 1
Banach, Ela (?-ok. 1975). 1
Bernsteinowa, Rozalia 1
Corneille, Pierre (1606-1684) 1
Cylkow, Izaak (1841-1908) 1
Diem, Mike van (1959- ) 1
Dąbrowska, Maria (1889-1965) 1
Ekels, Jan (1759-1793) 1
Farjeon, Eleanor (1881-1965) 1
Gentileschi, Artemisia (1593-ok. 1653) 1
Heemskerck, Johan van (1597-1656) 1
Herbert, Zbigniew (1924-1998) 1
Izaak 1
Kauffmann, Angelica (1741-1807) 1
Leyster, Judith (1609-1660) 1
Merian, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717) 1
Michałowska, Mira (1914-2007) 1
Morsztyn, Jan Andrzej (1621-1693) 1
Roberts, Benjamin (1965- ) 1
Terborch, Gesina (1631-1690) 1
Vondel, Joost van den (1587-1679) 1
Wautier, Michaelina (1604-1689) 1