Emilio Cotarelo Emilio Cotarelo y Mori

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Emilio Cotarelo
They were the subject of publications in which the main author was Emilio Cotarelo
Iriarte, Tomás de
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Castro, Guillén de
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
Carillo Cerón, Ginés 1
Cruz, Ramón de la (1731-1794) 1
Fernández de Avellaneda, Alonso 1
Jiménez de Enciso, Diego (1585-1634) 1
López de Yanguas, Hernán 1
Mesonero Romanos, Ramón de (1803-1882) 1
Villamediana, Juan de Tassis y Peralta, (1582-1622 ) 1
Villamediana, Juan de Tassis y Peralta, (1582-1622) 1