President Václav Havel as an inspiration for Czech urbanonymy
V: Onomastica : pismo poświęcone nazewnictwu geograficznemu i osobowemu oraz innym nazwom własnym. ISSN 0078-4648 R. 65, [z.] 1 (2021), s. 255-269
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
"Theater is clearly an integral part of politics" : Samuel Beckett's "Catastrophe" and Václav Havel's "Mistake"
Uchman, Jadwiga.
V: Diversity and homogeneity : the politics of nation, ethnicity and gender. s. 67-81
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter
V: Diversity and homogeneity : the politics of nation, ethnicity and gender. s. 67-81
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter
Die Kompromisse enden, wenn es um die Wahrheit geht
Opavský, Jaroslav,
V: Universum ISSN 0042-0417 R. 1967, č. 3, s. 1-4; s. 1-3 (angl. mutace)
Journal article
V: Universum ISSN 0042-0417 R. 1967, č. 3, s. 1-4; s. 1-3 (angl. mutace)
Journal article
Fenomén kniha : výtvarná výchova a umění knihy = Phenomenon: the Book : Art Education and the Art of Book
Vydáno: Brno : Masarykova univerzita : Albert, 2008.
Framing Václav Havel
Danaher, David S.
V: Slovo a smysl ISSN 1214-7915 Roč. 4, 2007, č. 8, s. 25-47
Journal article
V: Slovo a smysl ISSN 1214-7915 Roč. 4, 2007, č. 8, s. 25-47
Journal article
'Regressus ad futurum'. Terugblik voor de toekomst : Kees Mercks over Tsjechische literatuur
The Return of Král Majáles: Prague's International Literary Renaissance 1990-2010; An Anthology
Sweney, Matthew,
V: Moravian Journal of Literature and Film ISSN 1803-7720 Vol. 1, 2010, No. 2, Spring, s. 102-105
Journal article
V: Moravian Journal of Literature and Film ISSN 1803-7720 Vol. 1, 2010, No. 2, Spring, s. 102-105
Journal article
Post-Structuralism under Communist Conditions? : The Construction of Identity in Czech Dissident Literature
Wutsdorff, Irina,
V: Slovo a smysl ISSN 1214-7915 Roč. 7, 2010, č. 14, s. 103-114
Journal article
V: Slovo a smysl ISSN 1214-7915 Roč. 7, 2010, č. 14, s. 103-114
Journal article
Regions in Central and Eastern Europe: Past and Present
Vydáno: Sapporo : Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center, 2007.
Consolatio philosophiae hodierna: k Šestnácti dopisům Václava Havla = Consolatio philosophiae hodierna: to Sixteen Letters of Václav Havel
Translating Havel: Three key words (domov, svědomí and klid)
Danaher, David S.
V: Slovo a slovesnost ISSN 0037-7031 Roč. 71, 2010, č. 4, listopad, s. 250-259
Journal article
V: Slovo a slovesnost ISSN 0037-7031 Roč. 71, 2010, č. 4, listopad, s. 250-259
Journal article
Václav Havel's Leaving: A Spectacular Theatrical Exit of Absurdity
Burns, Tracy A.
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 22, 2008, No. 1, Fall, s. 107-110
Journal article
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 22, 2008, No. 1, Fall, s. 107-110
Journal article
The Slovak Production of Leaving: Looking Outward
Burns, Tracy A.
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 23, 2009, No. 1, Fall, s. 86-89
Journal article
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 23, 2009, No. 1, Fall, s. 86-89
Journal article
A Report From the Conference "1968: A Global Perspective," Prague Spring Panel
West, Tim
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 22, 2009, No. 2, Spring, s. 111-114
Journal article
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 22, 2009, No. 2, Spring, s. 111-114
Journal article
Performing Revolution : Case Study of Three Czech Authorial Theatres During the 1980s
Burke, Karen M.
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 22, 2009, No. 2, Spring, s. 82-88
Journal article
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 22, 2009, No. 2, Spring, s. 82-88
Journal article
Love Conquering Death and Distorted Reality in The Year of the Frog
Burns, Tracy A.
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 21, 2008, No. 2, Spring, s. 90-95
Journal article
V: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 21, 2008, No. 2, Spring, s. 90-95
Journal article
The Greengrocer and his TV : The Culture of Communism after the 1968 Prague Spring
Responses to the Literature Papers
Kunes, Karen von
V: Brown Slavic Contributions. Modern Czech Studies Sv. 11, 1999, s. 84-86
Journal article
V: Brown Slavic Contributions. Modern Czech Studies Sv. 11, 1999, s. 84-86
Journal article
Daniela Fischerová's The Massage Table : Politics and Guilt in Post-Communist Czechoslovakia
Connell, Lauren Mc
V: Brown Slavic Contributions. Modern Czech Studies Sv. 13, 2000, s. 24-33
Journal article
V: Brown Slavic Contributions. Modern Czech Studies Sv. 13, 2000, s. 24-33
Journal article