The village, the village ; The earth, the earth ; and The suicide of the astronaut with other stories
Qaddafi, Mu'ammar
Published: [Trípoli] Ad-Dar Jamahiriya for Publication, Distribution and Advertising 1996
Published: [Trípoli] Ad-Dar Jamahiriya for Publication, Distribution and Advertising 1996

Lauluja sukupolvelta toiselle : Qiao Xiaoguongin paperileikkaustaiteen näyttely = Passing on the songs : Qiao Xiaoguong's Kalevala paper cutting art exhibition

The secular pilgrims of Victorian fiction the novel as book of life

In the light of contradiction : desire in the poetry of Federico García Lorca

Emblemes (1635) Edward Benlowes Quarlëis ; and Hieroglyphiques of the life of man (1638)

Verbal paradise preverbs
Quasha, George
Published: La Laguna, Tenerife Berkeley Zasterle Press ; distributed by Small Press Distribution D.L. 2010
Published: La Laguna, Tenerife Berkeley Zasterle Press ; distributed by Small Press Distribution D.L. 2010

Evelina: a new womanly woman
Quawas, Rula
In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia ISSN 0081-6272 R. 1997, t. 32, s. 219-227
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In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia ISSN 0081-6272 R. 1997, t. 32, s. 219-227
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Carving an identity and forging the frontier : the self-reliant female hero in Willa Cather's "O pioneers!"
Quawas, Rula
In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia : an international review of English studies. ISSN 0081-6272. Vol. 41 (2005), s. 237-250
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In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia : an international review of English studies. ISSN 0081-6272. Vol. 41 (2005), s. 237-250
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The Kitab naqd al-si'r

This English Language...
In: Hlas domova (Melbourne) Roč. 2, 1952, č. 13, 23. 6., s. 12
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In: Hlas domova (Melbourne) Roč. 2, 1952, č. 13, 23. 6., s. 12
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This English Language II.
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In: Hlas domova (Melbourne) Roč. 2, 1952, č. 14, 7. 7., s. 11-12
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Nuevos memoriales = New memorials
Queirós, Pedro Fernandes de
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Published: Varsovia : Museo de la Historia del Movimiento Popular Polaco : Instituto de Estudios Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos. Universidad de Varsovia, 2016.

Romantic England writing and painting, 1717-1851

Conflict in the sun

The fate of the immodest blonde original title, Puzzle for pilgrims

Licensing free choice items in hostile environments : The role of aspect and mood.
Quer, Josep.
In: SKY journal of linguistics. - ISSN 1456-8438. - Helsinki : Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys. - 13:2000, s. 251-268
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In: SKY journal of linguistics. - ISSN 1456-8438. - Helsinki : Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys. - 13:2000, s. 251-268
Journal article