In his blood a novel by Frank James G.

The dream stitcher : a novel

The dream stitcher : a novel

The literature of spiritual values and Catholic fiction

A decade of compulsory silence : censorship of Edvard Kocbek's literature after his forced retirement = Dekada przymusowej ciszy : cenzura literatury Edvarda Kocbka po jego przymusowej emeryturze
Gabrič, Aleš
(1963- )
In: Bibliotekarz Podlaski : Białystok, Łomża, Suwałki. ISSN 1640-7806. R. 21, nr 1 (2020), s. 75-96
Published: 2020.
Journal article
In: Bibliotekarz Podlaski : Białystok, Łomża, Suwałki. ISSN 1640-7806. R. 21, nr 1 (2020), s. 75-96
Published: 2020.
Journal article

Theater and theatricality in their relations to history and the arts in the novels by Vladimir Sharov
Gabrielova, Amina
In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X 2021, nr 1, s. 61-88
Published: 2021.
Journal article
In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X 2021, nr 1, s. 61-88
Published: 2021.
Journal article

Leoš Janáček´s "Jenufa" and the Czech village drama of the late 19th century
Gabrielová, Jarmila,
In: Přednášky z 59. běhu Letní školy slovanských studií 978-80-7308-656-5 R. 2016, s. 133-138
Book chapter
In: Přednášky z 59. běhu Letní školy slovanských studií 978-80-7308-656-5 R. 2016, s. 133-138
Book chapter

Ecosophy and the New Age movement in the transmodern society
Gábrišová, Radka
In: Studia Philosophiae Christianae. ISSN 0585-5470. R. 50, nr 3 (2014), s. 145-157
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
In: Studia Philosophiae Christianae. ISSN 0585-5470. R. 50, nr 3 (2014), s. 145-157
Published: 2014.
Book chapter

From The Door Had Always Been Closing : Petr Hruška
Gabrisová, Zuzana
In: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 17, 2003/2004, No. 2, Spring 2004, s. 101
Journal article
In: Kosmas ISSN 1056-005X Vol. 17, 2003/2004, No. 2, Spring 2004, s. 101
Journal article

(Applied) psycholinguistics for foreign language teachers : a diachronic perspective
Gabryś-Barker, Danuta
(1955- )
In: Anglica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0301-7966 [Z.] 60 (2022), s. 151-169
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
In: Anglica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0301-7966 [Z.] 60 (2022), s. 151-169
Published: 2022.
Book chapter

[Defining and assessing lexical proficiency - recenzja]
Gabryś-Barker, Danuta
(1955- )
In: Linguistica Silesiana. ISSN 0208-4228. Vol. 42 (2021), s. 339-344
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
In: Linguistica Silesiana. ISSN 0208-4228. Vol. 42 (2021), s. 339-344
Published: 2021.
Book chapter

Studying bilingual and multilingual language identities : natural settings versus formal instruction
Gabryś-Barker, Danuta
(1955- )
In: Linguistica Silesiana. ISSN 0208-4228. Vol. 40 (2019), s. 341-359
Published: 2019.
Journal article
In: Linguistica Silesiana. ISSN 0208-4228. Vol. 40 (2019), s. 341-359
Published: 2019.
Journal article

The practice of classroom code-switching, translanguaging or simply alternating languages in FL teacher talk
Gabryś-Barker, Danuta
(1955- )
In: Anglica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0301-7966. [Z.] 58 (2020), s. 147-164
Published: 2020.
Journal article
In: Anglica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0301-7966. [Z.] 58 (2020), s. 147-164
Published: 2020.
Journal article

Cognitive and affective dimensions of foreign language learning environments : a Polish-Turkish comparative study
Gabryś-Barker, Danuta
(1955- )
In: Neofilolog (Poznań). ISSN 1429-2173. Nr 52, [cz.] 1 (2019), s. 139-157
Published: 2019.
Journal article
In: Neofilolog (Poznań). ISSN 1429-2173. Nr 52, [cz.] 1 (2019), s. 139-157
Published: 2019.
Journal article

Discussion on the"Ersu Shaba" Writing
Gaca, Maciej
In: Linguistic and Oriental Studies from Poznań ISSN 1230-6029 R. 2003, t. 5, s. 173-185
Journal article
In: Linguistic and Oriental Studies from Poznań ISSN 1230-6029 R. 2003, t. 5, s. 173-185
Journal article

The artificial meaningful toponyms in the Middle Persian literature
Gacek, Tomasz
In: Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia. ISSN 1427-8219. Vol. 13 (2008), s. 47-54
Published: 2008.
Journal article
In: Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia. ISSN 1427-8219. Vol. 13 (2008), s. 47-54
Published: 2008.
Journal article

The promise of a new cultural periodization : realism, modernism, postmodernism
Gaczoł, Tomasz
(1986- )
In: Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 1895-8001. Vol. 13, fasc. 4 (2018), s. 55-69
Published: 2018.
Book chapter
In: Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 1895-8001. Vol. 13, fasc. 4 (2018), s. 55-69
Published: 2018.
Book chapter