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Oppilaiden käsityksiä englannin suullisesta kielitaidosta, sen oppimisesta ja arvioinnista
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Kalevalan naiset ja tiedon yöpuoli : Lönnrotin jalanjäljissä kohti Kalevalan naisten tarinoita
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Second and foreign language fluency from a cognitive perspective : inefficiency and control of attention in lexical access
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Climbing a mountain : learning Slovak in new language learning environments
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(Dis)empowering assessment? : assessment as experienced by students in their upper secondary school EFL studies
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Päivitettyä perinnettä : saamelaisen nykyrunouden saamelaiskuvastoja
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Developing a metatheoretical framework for second language development : a cultural-historical theory and dynamic systems theory perspective
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In order to enable meaningful playing : how to support player's learning through digital game narrative design
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Heteroglossic and multimodal resources in use : participation across spaces of identification in a Christian lifestyle sports community
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L'histoire du livre saami en Finlande : ses racines et son développement de 1820 á 1920
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Le subjonctif en moyen français à la lumière d'un corpus de textes des XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècles
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Professori tekee murron : Pentti Moilaselle omistettu juhlakirja
Published: Jyväskylä : Jyväskylän yliopisto, Opettajankoulutuslaitos, 2015 (Jyväskylän yliopistopaino).
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Redescriptions : yearbook of political thought, conceptual history and feminist theory.
Published: Münster : LIT, 2011.
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Ad itum liberum : essays in honour of Anne Helttula
Published: Jyväskylä : [University of Jyväskylä, Department of Languages], 2007 (Lievestuore : ER-paino)