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El extranjero

by: Camus, Albert (1913-1960)

Published: [Barcelona] Planeta DeAgostini D.L. 2010
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by: Camus, Albert (1913-1960)

Published: [Barcelona] Labutxaca 2010
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Venían a buscarlo a él

by: Vias Mahou, Berta (1961-)

Published: Barcelona Acantilado 2010
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El revés y el derecho Discurso de Suecia

by: Camus, Albert (1913-1960)

Published: Madrid Alianza Editorial 2010
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La peste

by: Camus, Albert (1913-1960)

Published: Barcelona Edhasa 2010
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El extranjero de Albert Camus

by: Medrano Chivite, Javier

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Published: Berriozar, Navarra Cenlit D.L. 2010
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Trudna sztuka przekraczania : szczęście w ujęciu Alberta Camusa

by: Sawicka, Jolanta (filozofia) Autor

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In: Archeus : studia z bioetyki i antropologii filozoficznej. ISSN 1641-5973. T. 11 (2010), s. 51-62
Published: 2010.
Journal article
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Bunt metafizyczny jako reakcja na doświadczenie nicości w filozofii Alberta Camusa

by: Cielecki, Piotr (1984- )

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In: Nowa Krytyka. ISSN 0867-647X. Nr 24/25 (2010), s. 147-167
Published: 2010.
Journal article
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Sartre a Camus

by: Balabán, Milan, 1929-2019 Author

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In: Křesťanská revue ISSN 0023-4613 Roč. 77, 2010, č. 2, duben, s. 46-48
Journal article
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Prague palimpsest : writing, memory, and the city

by: Thomas, Alfred, 1958- Author

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Albert Camus : pour l'Espagne, discours de liberté

Published: Barcelona PPU 2011
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Le monde arabe dans les œuvres littéraires d'Albert Camus

by: Mezouari, Mimoun

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Published: [S.l.] [s.n.] 2011 Oujda Imp. El Joussour Sarl
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Piękny człowiek z ludu

by: Wyka, Marta (1938- )

In: Tygodnik Powszechny : katolickie pismo społeczno-kulturalne. ISSN 0041-4808. 2011, nr 52, dod. Miłosz jak świat - Rodzinna Europa, s. 14-15
Published: 23 XII 2011.
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Prag als Topos der Literatur

Published: Olomouc : Univerzita Palackého, 2011.
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Tolik být : S Vlastou Dufkovou o práci v Odeonu, překládání Alberta Camuse a Guimaraese Rosy a o kruzích podle pravítka

by: Dufková, Vlasta, 1951- Interviewee

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In: Host ISSN 1211-9938 Roč. 27, 2011, č. 10, 13. 12., s. 8-15
Journal article
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Camuse zřejmě zavraždila KGB

by: čtk [Lidové noviny] Author

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In: Lidové noviny ISSN 0862-5921 Roč. 24, 2011, č. 184, 8. 8., s. 20 [online] ISSN 1213-1385 7. 8. 2011
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Mrtvý spisovatel Camus : Zabila ho KGB?

by: čtk [Brněnský deník Rovnost] Author

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In: Brněnský deník Rovnost ISSN 1802-0887 R. 2011, č. 185, 9. 8., s. 13
Journal article
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El mito de Sísifo

by: Camus, Albert (1913-1960)

Published: Madrid Alianza Editorial 2012
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Los justos : obra en cinco actos

by: Camus, Albert (1913-1960)

Published: Madrid Alianza Editorial 2012
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