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Der tödliche Nachkrampf des Schosses : die antik-christliche Dialektik und ihre Variabilität in "Die Braut von Korinth" von Johann Wolfgang Goethe und in "Die Ertrunkene" von Taras Schewtschenko

by: Pilipowicz, Andrzej

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. [T.] 15, [cz.] 2 (2013), s. 149-163
Published: 2013.
Journal article
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Literacka i filmowa refleksja nad totalitaryzmem : na przykładzie powieści Klausa Manna "Mefisto" oraz jej adaptacji filmowej w reżyserii Istvána Szabó

by: Płusa, Czesław

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. [T.] 15, [cz.] 2 (2013), s. 165-176
Published: 2013.
Journal article
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Problemy z konstrukcją odbiorcy w polskich przekładach poematu "Song of Myself" Walta Whitmana

by: Studniarz, Sławomir (1965- )

In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. [T.] 15, [cz.] 2 (2013), s. 191-202
Published: 2013.
Journal article
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Układ relacyjny bohaterów w powieści "Pani Dalloway" Virginii Woolf

by: Szeremeta-Kołodzińska, Katarzyna

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. [T.] 15, [cz.] 2 (2013), s. 203-212
Published: 2013.
Journal article
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"A wonderfully good imitation of other occasions", czyli o imitacji, tworzeniu i fatycznej funkcji języka w opowiadaniu "Psychologia" Katherine Mansfield

by: Wawrzyńska, Joanna

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. [T.] 15, [cz.] 2 (2013), s. 225-235
Published: 2013.
Journal article
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The reflection of high Renaissance and Mannerism of the works of Michelangelo Buonarroti in the interpretation of Irving Stone in his last biographical novel "The agony and the ecstasy"

by: Kwiatkowska, Anna (kulturoznawca)

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. [T.] 15, [cz.] 2 (2013), s. 139-148
Published: 2013.
Journal article
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The functions of digressions in "Beowulf"

by: Urbanowicz, Michał

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619. [T.] 15, [cz.] 2 (2013), s. 213-223
Published: 2013.
Journal article
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Teoretičeskie problemy pragmastilistiki.

by: Kiklewicz, Aleksander (1957- ) Autor

In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 9-23
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Związki frazeologiczne z komponentem przestrzennym "su" w ujęciu kognitywnym : próba analizy na materiale języka włoskiego = Phraseological units containing the spatial component "su" in a(...)

by: Bocian, Edyta Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 25-40
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Streitgegenstand der Phraseologie(-forschung) : Einwortphraseme, Einwortidiome und noch mehr? = One-word phrases , one-word idioms and what else? : the subject of the phraseology dispute

by: Targońska, Joanna Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 41-56
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Ein gutes Gewissen ist ein sanftes Ruhekissen... : Bemerkungen über Phraseologismen mit dem Potenzial zum ethischen Bewerten = A clear conscience makes a soft pillow... : phrasemes with a potential(...)

by: Żurawlew, Tomasz Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 57-71
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Metaphorische Konzeptualisierung von Covid-19 am Beispiel eines populärwissenschaftlichen Online-Berichts = Metaphorical conceptualization of Covid-19 on the basis of a popular science on-line(...)

by: Gierzyńska, Marta Anna Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 73-88
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Innowacyjność w gwarach ukraińskich = Innovations in East Slavic Ukrainian dialects

by: Kołodyńska, Tatiana Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 89-96
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Model rekonstrukcji aktualnego znaczenia interjęzykowych lakun w oparciu o paradygmat dyskursologiczny = Model for the reconstruction of the actual meaning of interlingual lacunas based on a(...)

by: Miłosz-Szewczyk, Karolina Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 97-110
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Nauka języków obcych osób w wieku senioralnym : przegląd nurtów badawczych i postulaty badawcze = Teaching languages to the third-age learners : review of current research tendencies and(...)

by: Niewczas, Sylwia Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 111-120
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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(Un)obtainable luxury and performance : the semiotics of Michael Jordan’s 1996 V12 Mercedes S600 Lorinser

by: Jacheć, Tomasz Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 137-150
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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A metafictional reflection on historiography : the inclusiveness of truth in Graeme Macrae Burnet’s "His bloody project"

by: Kucała, Bożena Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 151-163
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Na puti k "morali cennosti" : rycarskaâ topika ili Aksiologiâ novogo rycarstva - opyt sootneseniâ: "Bednyj rycarʹ" Eleny Guro i "Rycarʹ kubkov" Terrensa Malika = Towards a "morality of value" :(...)

by: Mielniczuk, Jekaterina Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 165-180
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Alienacja, integracja, akceptacja : relacje interpersonalne w dramatach Herberta Bergera i Petera Turriniego = Alienation, integration, acceptance : interpersonal relations in the plays of Herbert(...)

by: Tomczuk, Dorota Autor

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In: Acta Neophilologica. ISSN 1509-1619 [T.] 24, [nr] 2 (2022), s. 181-193
Published: 2022.
Book chapter

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