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"Ok Google, vorrei parlare con la poetessa Saffo": intelligenza artificiale, assistenti virtuali e didattica della letteratura

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    Iannella, Alessandro
    Iannella, Alessandro

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    Artykuł z czasopisma
    Forma / Gatunek:
    text (article)
    Thamyris ISSN 2254-1799 Nº. 10, 2019, pags. 81-104
    Hasła przedmiotowe:

    In the era of automation conversational interfaces have come to play a pervasive role in many sectors. From chatbots that support online shopping experiences, to virtual assistants used for therapy to dialogue systems that enable transactions within any messaging service. Some of these interfaces, ever-present and only a touch of a fi nger away, simplify daily tasks and engage the user thanks to human-like traits and personalities: the average user is growing increasingly familiar with the voices of Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant and Cortana. Conversational interfaces can also redefi ne the way we experience education. They can support teachers, guide students through the learning process and constitute a bridge to technological innovations that are still struggling to fi nd their right place in school curricula. A virtual assistant can transform the approach to the study of literature, replacing the traditional fruition of texts with a narrative journey that is personalized and never the same. Conversation with a canonical writer or with a literary character is a versatile means of building and processing knowledge, an opportunity to establish a relationship with the past marked by unexpected empathic implications. This paper introduces a series of methodologies and teaching strategies that can enable this process. These include cognitive apprenticeship, discovery learning and digital authentic learning. The reader will also approach the fi eld of AI to learn how to create an alter ego of Sappho using Dialogflow.

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