Luontorakennuksia = Building in the wilderness = Naturgebäude.
Laatio, Pekka (Finnish architect, born 1945)
In: Puu : rakentamista, tekniikkaa, arkkitehtuuria. - ISSN 0357-9484. - Helsinki : Puuinformaatio. - 1995 : 2, s. 20-25
Journal article
In: Puu : rakentamista, tekniikkaa, arkkitehtuuria. - ISSN 0357-9484. - Helsinki : Puuinformaatio. - 1995 : 2, s. 20-25
Journal article

Kylmäluoman leirintäalue : Taivalkoski = Kylmäluoma camping site = Campingplatz Kylmäluoma.
Laatio, Pekka (Finnish architect, born 1945)
In: Puu : rakentamista, tekniikkaa, arkkitehtuuria. - ISSN 0357-9484. - Helsinki : Puuinformaatio. - 1995 : 2, s. 26-29
Journal article
In: Puu : rakentamista, tekniikkaa, arkkitehtuuria. - ISSN 0357-9484. - Helsinki : Puuinformaatio. - 1995 : 2, s. 26-29
Journal article

Theatre and Holy Week: The Configuration of Spanish Penitential Procession in the 16th Century
Labarga García, Fermín
In: Hipogrifo: Revista de Literatura y Cultura del Siglo de Oro ISSN 2328-1308 Vol. 10, Nº. 2, 2022, pags. 847-862
Published: 2022
Journal article
In: Hipogrifo: Revista de Literatura y Cultura del Siglo de Oro ISSN 2328-1308 Vol. 10, Nº. 2, 2022, pags. 847-862
Published: 2022
Journal article

The Son of Two Nations

Taras Shevchenko as Sakrum of Maidan : on values during the revolution
Labaŝuk, Oksana Vasilìvna
In: Świat i Słowo : filologia, nauki społeczne, filozofia, teologia. ISSN 1731-3317. 2014, nr 2, s. 245-255
Published: 2014.
Journal article
In: Świat i Słowo : filologia, nauki społeczne, filozofia, teologia. ISSN 1731-3317. 2014, nr 2, s. 245-255
Published: 2014.
Journal article

Gao Xingjian's dialogue with literary and visual traditions
Łabędzka, Izabella
In: Porównania : czasopismo poświęcone zagadnieniom komparatystyki literackiej oraz studiom interdyscyplinarnym. ISSN 1733-165X. 2020, nr 1, s. 331-343
Published: 2020.
Journal article
In: Porównania : czasopismo poświęcone zagadnieniom komparatystyki literackiej oraz studiom interdyscyplinarnym. ISSN 1733-165X. 2020, nr 1, s. 331-343
Published: 2020.
Journal article

Jerzy Grotowski's actor training and its impact on the taiwanese searching theatre : the case of liu jingmin's early experiments
Łabędzka, Izabella
In: Porównania : czasopismo poświęcone zagadnieniom komparatystyki literackiej oraz studiom interdyscyplinarnym. ISSN 1733-165X. 2019, nr 1, s. 175-194
Published: 2019.
Journal article
In: Porównania : czasopismo poświęcone zagadnieniom komparatystyki literackiej oraz studiom interdyscyplinarnym. ISSN 1733-165X. 2019, nr 1, s. 175-194
Published: 2019.
Journal article

Forms of Orientalism: China in the 20th Century European and American Literature
Łabędzka, Izabella
In: Poznań Literary Papers ISSN 1425-5901 R. 1996, t. 2, s. 27-42
Journal article
In: Poznań Literary Papers ISSN 1425-5901 R. 1996, t. 2, s. 27-42
Journal article

Scenes from the art of making do, tactic and tenderness
LaBelle, Brandon
(1969- )
In: Krytyka Polityczna. ISSN 1644-0919 [Wyd. spec.] ([2017]), s. 207-212
Published: 2017.
Journal article
In: Krytyka Polityczna. ISSN 1644-0919 [Wyd. spec.] ([2017]), s. 207-212
Published: 2017.
Journal article

Patricipatory audiovisual translation in the age of immediacy
Łabendowicz, Olga (tłumacz)
In: Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich. ISSN 0084-4446. T. 60, z. 3 (2017), s. 159-170
Published: 2017.
Journal article
In: Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich. ISSN 0084-4446. T. 60, z. 3 (2017), s. 159-170
Published: 2017.
Journal article

Lost belongingness? : implications of audience expectations and preferences on re-creating culture in audiovisual translation
Łabendowicz, Olga (tłumacz)
In: From motion to emotion : aspects of physical and cultural embodiment in language. s. 161-173
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
In: From motion to emotion : aspects of physical and cultural embodiment in language. s. 161-173
Published: 2016.
Book chapter

Words as events or events as words?
Labi, Kanni
(1971- )
In: Folklore. - ISSN 1406-0957. - Tartu : Folk Belief and Media Group of the Estonian Literary Museum. - 48 (2011), s. 211-214
Journal article
In: Folklore. - ISSN 1406-0957. - Tartu : Folk Belief and Media Group of the Estonian Literary Museum. - 48 (2011), s. 211-214
Journal article

Problems of school history teaching in the current education system of the Czech Republic
Labischová, Denisa
(1974- )
In: Klio (Toruń). ISSN 1643-8191. 2015, nr 3, s. 63-85
Published: 2015.
Book chapter
In: Klio (Toruń). ISSN 1643-8191. 2015, nr 3, s. 63-85
Published: 2015.
Book chapter

October 28, 1918 and the circumstances surrounding the origin of Czechoslovakia in history textbooks of the Czechs' neighbours
Labischová, Denisa
(1974- )
In: Memory of heritage, heritage of memory. s. 256-277
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
In: Memory of heritage, heritage of memory. s. 256-277
Published: 2016.
Book chapter

The object of study of text linguistics (textology)
Labocha, Janina
(1951- )
In: Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis. ISSN 1897-1059. Z. 128 (2011), s. 59-68
Published: 2011.
Journal article
In: Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis. ISSN 1897-1059. Z. 128 (2011), s. 59-68
Published: 2011.
Journal article

Transatlantic Central Europe : contesting geography and redefining culture beyond the nation

Reading Andrew Busza's english poems
Labrie, Ross
(1936- )
In: Kontynenty. T. 1, Studia i szkice o twórczości Andrzeja Buszy s.57-63
Published: 2019.
Book chapter
In: Kontynenty. T. 1, Studia i szkice o twórczości Andrzeja Buszy s.57-63
Published: 2019.
Book chapter
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