Antología poética moderna del siglo XXI : un pasaje retórico desde el comienzo del 2019 hasta el confinamiento = Antologia poètica moderna del segle XXI : un passatge retòric des de l´inici del(...)

Tránsitos : una cartografía literaria
Fuguet, Alberto
Published: Santiago de Chile Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales 2013
Published: Santiago de Chile Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales 2013

The Jaiminīya-Upaniṣad-Brāhmaṇa : a study of the earliest Upaniṣad, belonging to the Jaiminīya Sāmaveda

The Jaiminīya-Upaniṣad-Brāhmaṇa : a study of the earliest Upaniṣad, belonging to the Jaiminīya Sāmaveda

The Political Programme of Karel the Edler of Žerotín
Fukala, Radek,
In: Acta Comeniana ISSN 0231-5955 Sv. 14 (38), 2000, s. 33-50
Journal article
In: Acta Comeniana ISSN 0231-5955 Sv. 14 (38), 2000, s. 33-50
Journal article

Romantic Indians native Americans, British literature, and transatlantic culture, 1756-1830

Medallic portraits à l'antique of the French kings before Louis XIV
Fulińska, Agnieszka
In: Literatura renesansowa w Polsce i Europie : studia dedykowane profesorowi Andrzejowi Borowskiemu. s. 466-481
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
In: Literatura renesansowa w Polsce i Europie : studia dedykowane profesorowi Andrzejowi Borowskiemu. s. 466-481
Published: 2016.
Book chapter

Good thoughts in bad times, good thoughts in worse times, mixt contemplations in better times

Grantley Manor
Fullerton, Georgiana
Published: Manchester ; Birmingham ; Glasgow Burns, Oates & Washbourne [s.a.]
Published: Manchester ; Birmingham ; Glasgow Burns, Oates & Washbourne [s.a.]

The Changing position of the theatergoer in the changing space of online performances
Fülöp, Otília Ármeán
In: Zeszyty Prasoznawcze : kwartalnik Ośrodka Badań Prasoznawczych. ISSN 0555-0025 T. 65 nr 3 (2022), s. 11-17
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
In: Zeszyty Prasoznawcze : kwartalnik Ośrodka Badań Prasoznawczych. ISSN 0555-0025 T. 65 nr 3 (2022), s. 11-17
Published: 2022.
Book chapter

Letters from the darkling plain Language and the grounds of knowledge in the poetry of Arnold and Hopkins...

The Making of the Czech Broadside Ballads Edition
Fumerton, Patricia
In: Bohemica litteraria ISSN 1213-2144 Roč. 26, 2023, č. 1, 30. 6., s. 233-243
Journal article
In: Bohemica litteraria ISSN 1213-2144 Roč. 26, 2023, č. 1, 30. 6., s. 233-243
Journal article

Reception of Luigi Pirandello's translation in the context of nineteenth century Italian translations of Goethe's "Römische Elegien"
Fumi, Marta
(1988- )
In: Traduttologia e traduzioni. Vol. 2, Identità linguistica, identità culturale s. 107-120
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
In: Traduttologia e traduzioni. Vol. 2, Identità linguistica, identità culturale s. 107-120
Published: 2021.
Book chapter

America got angry : the radicalization of political discourse in the contemporary U.S. on the example of Donald Trump's rhetoric
Furgacz, Małgorzata
In: Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Studia Neofilologiczne. ISSN 1897-4244. Z. 13 (2017), s. 91-101
Published: 2017.
Journal article
In: Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Studia Neofilologiczne. ISSN 1897-4244. Z. 13 (2017), s. 91-101
Published: 2017.
Journal article

Artistic enhancement : literature and film as mirror and means of human enhancement
Fürholzer, Katharina
(1984- )
In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. ISSN 0208-6107. [Z.] 32 (2018), s. 71-85
Published: 2018.
Journal article
In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. ISSN 0208-6107. [Z.] 32 (2018), s. 71-85
Published: 2018.
Journal article

Usefulness of the backtranslation process in poetry translation
Furmanek, Olgierda
In: Studia Iberystyczne. ISSN 2082-8594. Nr 8 (2009), s. 301-317
Published: 2009.
Journal article
In: Studia Iberystyczne. ISSN 2082-8594. Nr 8 (2009), s. 301-317
Published: 2009.
Journal article
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