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Lev Tolstoj i deâteli pol'skoj muzykal'noj kul'tury

by: Pekarskij, Mihail

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In: Âzyk v kul'ture, kul'tura v âzyke. s. 62-66
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
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Problemy perevoda stihotvorenij Česlava Miloša na russkij âzyk: ritmiko-intonacional'nyj aspekt

by: Pelihov, Denis Aleksandrovič

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In: Dom Pol'skij. ISSN R. 15, nr 1 (2015).
Published: 2015.
Journal article
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Mërtvoe more

by: Pełka, Marcin (1987- ) Autor

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Published: Inowrocław : Aspektspress, 2020.
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Frazeologičeskie koncepty v kontekste sovremennoj russkoj, gruzinskoj i anglijskoj mentalʹnosti i/ili mentaliteta

by: Penderava, Svetlana

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In: Heteroglossia : studia kulturoznawczo-filologiczne. ISSN 2084-1302. 2018, nr 8, s. 169-176
Published: 2018.
Journal article
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Čest' ženščiny : roman, rasskazy

by: Pennanen, Eila (1916-1994)

Published: Moskva : Progress, 1977.
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Cest' ženŝiny : roman ; Rasskazy

by: Pennanen, Eila (1916-1994)

Published: 880-02 Moskva : Progress, 1977.
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Učebnik russkogo jazyka dlja II klassa

by: Pentre, N.

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Published: [Hki] : [Suomalais-venäläinen koulu], [1980] ([Painatuskeskus])
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Problema vzaimosvâzi hudožestvennogo i religioznogo soznaniâ v povesti Nikolaâ Alekseeviča Polevogo "Živopisec"

by: Pepelâeva, Sof'â Valer'evna Autor

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In: Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego. ISSN 2084-4026. T. 24 (2016), s. 29-34
Published: 2016.
Journal article
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Volšebnaâ lampa sapožnika

by: Pere, Tuula kirjoittaja.

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Cirkovye sobaki Rosko i Rolli

by: Pere, Tuula kirjoittaja.

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Stella i ee kolûčij drug

by: Pere, Tuula kirjoittaja.

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Lesnoj gnom i ego sad

by: Pere, Tuula kirjoittaja.

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Gorod Lisa

by: Pere, Tuula kirjoittaja.

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Nekotorye aspekty lingvofilosofskoj organizacii hudožestvennyh tekstov postmoderna

by: Perelomova, Olena Stepanívna Autor

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In: Homo Philosophus : w 45. rocznicę urodzin prof. zw. dr hab. Wojciecha Słomskiego, Dr h. c. multiplex s. 499-510
Published: 2015.
Book chapter
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Kognitivnaâ metafora kak odin iz sposobov verbalizacii èmotivnyh konceptov

by: Perepelicyna, Nataliâ Viktorovna

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In: Slavica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0137-1150. Nr 158 (2014), s. 321-327
Published: 2014.
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Literaturno-kritičeskaâ deâtel'nost' Vladimira Solov'eva v sisteme ego filosofskih idej

by: Perepëlkina, Ljudmila

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Published: Tampere : Tampereen yliopisto, 1995.
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Koncepcii "epizacii" i "romanizacii" v izučenii bol'šoj epičeskoj formy

by: Pereverzin, V. Author

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In: Litteraria humanitas ISSN 1213-1253 Sv. 6, 1998, s. 222-235
Journal article
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Donʹâ Perfekta

by: Pérez Galdós, Benito (1843-1920) Author

Published: [Madrid] Isidora D.L. 2014
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by: Pérez Galdós, Benito (1843-1920) Author

Published: [Madrid] Isidora D.L. 2014
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Tristana Nazarín ; Miloserdie : romany

by: Pérez Galdós, Benito (1843-1920)

Published: Leningrad Judozh. literatura 1987

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