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Sluga Božij

by: Piekara, Jacek (1965- ) Autor

Published: Moskva : Fanzon, 2021.
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Meč angelov

by: Piekara, Jacek (1965- ) Autor

Published: Moskva : Fanzon, 2021.
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Molot ved'm

by: Piekara, Jacek (1965- ) Autor

Published: Moskva : Fanzon, 2021.
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Pan ili propan : priklûčeniâ russkih predprinimatelej v Pol'še

by: Pierowski, Andrzej Autor

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Published: Moskva : Konceptual, 2018.
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Konferencija 'Russkij jazyk v 2001 godu', Frankfurt na Odere 14.-15.01.2000.

by: Pietarinen, Margarita.

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In: Aspekti. - ISSN 0356-9608. - 2000 : 2, s. 41-43
Journal article
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Venäjää kauppa- ja taloustieteilijöille

by: Pietarinen, Margarita

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Published: Jyväskylä : Korkeakoulujen kielikeskus, 1989 (Kopi-Jyvä)
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Obrazy Latyša i Polâka v Belorusskom folklore (na materiale Postavskogo rajona Vitebskoj Oblasti) = Characters of Latvian and Poles in Belarusian folklore (based on interview material from(...)

by: Pietkiewicz, Henryk Autor

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In: Bibliotekarz Podlaski : Białystok, Łomża, Suwałki. ISSN 1640-7806. R. 20, nr 4 (2019), s. 153-165
Published: 2019.
Journal article
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Hudožestvennoe issledovanie sub"ektivnogo soznaniâ ("mozgovoj igry") w romane "Anderâ Belogo "Peterburg"

by: Pietraszkiewicz, Janina

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In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X. R. 29, nr 2 (2007), s. 32-44
Published: 2007.
Journal article
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Mifotvorčestvo Andreâ Belogo : (na primere romana "Peterburg")

by: Pietraszkiewicz, Janina

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In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X. R. 30, nr 3 (2008), s. 48-61
Published: 2008.
Journal article
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Napravleniâ issledovanijnacionalʹno-kulʹturnogo svoeobraziâbelorusskih poslovic (konec XIX –načalo XXІ veka) : metodologiâ, problemy,perspektivy

by: Pietruszewska, Ludmiła (1938- ) Autor

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In: Językoznawstwo : współczesne badania, problemy i analizy językoznawcze. ISSN 1897-0389 2021, nr 1, s. 147-181
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
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K izučeniû povesti o hvastlivom knižnike

by: Pigin, Aleksandr Valer'evič (1962- ) Autor

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In: Slavia Orientalis. ISSN 0037-6744. R. 70, nr 2 (2021), s. 299-315
Published: 2021.
Book chapter
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Drevnerusskaâ "Povest' o bražnike" v interpretacii staroobrâdčeskih polemistov

by: Pigin, Aleksandr Valerʹevič (1962- )

In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. Z. spec. (2015), s. 261-269
Published: 2015.
Journal article
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by: Piirimäe, H.

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In: Skandinavskij sbornik. - ISSN 0320-6432. - Tallinn : Eesti raamat. - 1965, s. 291-298
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Suomen kielen oppikirja : venäjänkielisen alkukoulun III ja IV luokalle

by: Pikkuvirta, Lyyli.

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Published: Petroskoi : Kirja, 1936 (Petrozavodsk : Tip. im. Anohina)
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Lingvoaksiologičeskij vzglâd na tipy rečevyh aktov (na materiale ustnoj razgovornoj reči) = Linguoaxiological view on the types of speech acts (on the basis of oral colloquial speech)

by: Pikuleva, Ûliâ Borisovna Autor

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In: Studia Rossica Posnaniensia. ISSN 0081-6884 T. 44, nr 1 (2019), s. 319-325
Published: 2019.
Journal article
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Osobye priemy èkspressi v zagolovkah buľvarnoj pressy : (na materiale russkogo, češskogo i anglijskogo âzykov)

by: Pilátová, Jindřiška (1976- )

In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X. R. 28, nr 3 (2006), s. 89-96
Published: 2006.
Book chapter
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Metaforizaciâ sobytiâ v russkoj i češskoj presse

by: Pilátová, Jindřiška (1976- )

In: Slavica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0137-1150. Nr 150 (2009), s. 203-211
Published: 2009.
Book chapter
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